Why Study at Otago University as an International Student?

Last Updated: 18 August 2023 NZ University Guide Student Experience Study in New Zealand

The University of Otago is the oldest university in New Zealand and has a rich academic excellence and innovation history. The university consistently ranks among the top universities globally and is renowned for its research and teaching programs.

Academics at the University of Otago are organised into four academic divisions: the Division of Humanities, the Division of Sciences, the Division of Health Sciences, and the Otago Business School. Within these divisions, the university offers a wide range of study programs across various disciplines. One of the university's notable features is its strong commitment to research, and the university has established itself as a leader in various fields.

With over 20,000 students, including a significant number of international students, Otago offers a diverse and inclusive environment and has created a strong reputation for being one of the country's best universities. If you want to know more about the university, keep reading ahead to find the top six reasons why it is one of the best in the country. 

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why study at university of otago

Six Reasons to Choose the University of Otago

1. Global rankings and reputation

The University of Otago enjoys a strong global reputation and consistently performs well in various international rankings. Its commitment to academic excellence, research, and student experience has contributed to its recognition as one of New Zealand's leading universities. Otago is ranked 217th in the QS World University Rankings, and in the latest Times Higher Education's World University Rankings, it is among the best 301-350th universities in the world and was placed at 63rd position in the Impact Rankings. 

The university has also achieved impressive rankings in various subject-specific rankings, where it is particularly renowned for its programs in Health Sciences, where it consistently ranks among the best globally. The university's programs in Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Physical Education are also highly regarded.

2. Academic excellence

Otago offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various academic divisions, including Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, and the Otago Business School. Students have the opportunity to pursue their interests and develop expertise in a wide array of fields.

The university maintains rigorous academic standards across all programs, which are designed to be intellectually challenging, encouraging students to think critically, engage in independent research, and develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Otago boasts a highly qualified and experienced faculty comprising leading experts, scholars, and researchers. Faculty members are dedicated to providing top-notch education and mentorship to students.

3. Vibrant campus life and student experience

Otago University boasts a wide range of student clubs and societies catering to various interests, hobbies, and academic disciplines. Whether it's sports, arts, culture, social issues, or academic pursuits, there are numerous clubs and societies where students can connect with like-minded individuals, develop leadership skills, and engage in extracurricular activities.

The university celebrates its diverse community and promotes cultural engagement on campus. Students have the opportunity to participate in cultural events, festivals, and performances representing various cultures and artistic expressions. The university hosts cultural showcases, music concerts, theatre productions, and art exhibitions, providing a platform for students to showcase their talents and appreciate different art forms.

4. Research strength 

The University of Otago is renowned for its research strength and has established itself as a leading institution in various fields of study. The university has identified several key research focus areas where it excels and has achieved international recognition. These areas include health sciences, biological sciences, physical sciences, humanities, social sciences, and business. Within these domains, Otago's researchers tackle important questions, advance knowledge, and contribute to solving global challenges.

5. Beautiful campus and exceptional facilities

Otago University has a beautiful campus and exceptional facilities, providing students with an enriching and inspiring environment for learning, research, and personal development. Nestled in the vibrant city of Dunedin, Otago's campus offers stunning surroundings and state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the overall university experience. 

Otago's campus features a blend of historic and modern architectural styles. The university's iconic clock tower building, known as the Registry Building, is a prominent landmark and symbol of Otago's rich history. The campus also includes other heritage buildings, creating a unique and charming atmosphere.

The university is equipped with modern and well-designed teaching facilities that support effective learning. Lecture theatres, classrooms, and laboratories are equipped with advanced technology and equipment, creating an optimal environment for academic instruction and practical training. Additionally, the Recreation Services of the university provide access to gyms, fitness classes, swimming pools, sports fields, and outdoor adventure programs. These facilities encourage students to stay active, participate in sports, and enjoy recreational activities.

6. Career Opportunities and Employability

The University of Otago is dedicated to providing its students with excellent career opportunities and preparing them for successful employment in their chosen fields. The university emphasises work-integrated learning experiences, allowing students to apply their knowledge and all major skills in professional settings. Through internships, cooperative education programs, and practicums, students gain practical experience, build transferable skills, and develop a deeper understanding of their chosen field.

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  • University of Otago

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